Thursday, October 07, 2004


i've fallen in love with tarot. i was intrigued by the thread at napp and wanted to ask someone for a reading but felt that would be inappropriate. so i got a free one from which led me to pay $3.oo for a in depth one. it was so on point. then i did a free one for a very close friend and damn if it didn't answer her question to the t. that's some powerful insight. so i've been researching decks. i want to learn. yet another thing that peaks my interest. it's so hard to focus and really figure out what i'm suppose to be doing when so many things excite me. anywho. toodles


man i've been gone for a while. i started my new job and fola's taking piano, drama and basketball so i have little time for the internet. i've just been busy. wow, how odd. i'm taking it all in stride now. not getting stressed out yet. it's different when you're doing things with a purpose than when you do them just to get by.

i got a book on knitting for my birthday and the healing through the tao. very interesting book, i must say. i've been practicing ovarian breathing and i felt the energy in my perineum. tmi, tmi if you're reading. then i masturbated and tried to imagine the energy flow from my vagina to my perineum and um can i say explosion. i wasn't successful in keeping it in but i was successful in moving it. who would have thunk it.

i need to go ahead and get some knitting materials. so i can start to practice. i really need someone to help me but we will see.

i'm toying with the idea of making quilts as well as cookies. it's always something with me. i made some off the chain oatmeal raisen cookies the other day which got me creating an oatmeal raisen almond cookie. all i can say is the girl got skillz. it doesn't make any sense, how misguided all of my talents are.

ok so i was researching on how best to have my money work for me and i'm getting slightly overwhelmed. i'm not quite sure what i'm gonna do but i do know i want to start asap. i'll have to make a point to pray for financial advice and assistance.

which leads me to prayer. i wanted to start a thread on it. the art of prayer that is. i really want to stregthen my connection to the most high through prayer and i wanted to see how other people pray. my mother was telling me about a recent sermon she heard which spoke of using the lord's prayer as a sorta template. so i'm gonna make a conscious effort to start being more mindfull of my words in prayer.