Monday, November 14, 2005


apparently i'm harsh. aggressive. i'm not sure if this is a theme in my life or not. all i know is that i feel like i'm too nice and that men treat me like shit as a result of my niceness. but i seem to be the only one who thinks this. apparently i'm intimidating. one mean woman that won't let people get a word in edgewise. honestly dude really does take the long road to a point. i will admit i have patience issues. but damn... yes, no, maybe so. geesh just answer the question already. i hate it when people walk all around a question and still never get to an answer. whateva

apparently i'm 0-3 now in the internet dating arena. i've talked to 3 men on the phone and nary a one has called me back. issues... you're damn right i got issues. what the fuck is that about. what pray tell am i doing wrong? honestly what is wrong with me!!!!!!! ok preacher man i can understand but ole boy... we hit it off. we laughed exchanged some light banter. i didn't even get a chance to fug it up before he said he'd call back. and nada. not a damn thing. ughhhhhghhhh!!!!!