Monday, November 14, 2005


apparently i'm harsh. aggressive. i'm not sure if this is a theme in my life or not. all i know is that i feel like i'm too nice and that men treat me like shit as a result of my niceness. but i seem to be the only one who thinks this. apparently i'm intimidating. one mean woman that won't let people get a word in edgewise. honestly dude really does take the long road to a point. i will admit i have patience issues. but damn... yes, no, maybe so. geesh just answer the question already. i hate it when people walk all around a question and still never get to an answer. whateva

apparently i'm 0-3 now in the internet dating arena. i've talked to 3 men on the phone and nary a one has called me back. issues... you're damn right i got issues. what the fuck is that about. what pray tell am i doing wrong? honestly what is wrong with me!!!!!!! ok preacher man i can understand but ole boy... we hit it off. we laughed exchanged some light banter. i didn't even get a chance to fug it up before he said he'd call back. and nada. not a damn thing. ughhhhhghhhh!!!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

my life rated

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

suprisingly it's on point. my mental could be tighter but it will improve significantly once i move. i'm always gonna take care of my body and watch what i put into it. that was ingrained into me a long time ago. my spiritual beliefs are very strong and grow everyday. my rating is low on friends and family mostly because i have no friends. aside from one that i'm in love with, which just fucks up everything. another i don't trust and yet another i talk to maybe 3-4 times a year. my love life has always been fucked and i don't see that improving ever! and finally finances. hit it on the nose. middle of the road.